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It's Time To Take A Risk

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

This week is all about starting the steps towards taking the risk that's been on your mind recently!

We've been playing it safe for long enough, and are ready for something new. Sure, there's a part of us that's scared, but that's okay. Fear is normal, and it can actually be helpful in motivating you to take action.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Get things in order! Before taking your risk; what do you need to support you mentally, emotionally and physically? What will help you along and make things easier on you after taking the plunge!

  2. Take a little risk first Think about ONE thing you could do today as a baby step towards the risk.

  3. BREATHE! Take a deep breathe and GO FOR IT!

Stepping out of your comfort zone is hard, but it’s worth it. You can do this. We all have fears, but we also have the power to overcome them.

What’s one risk you’re working towards? Let us know in the comments!

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