This week we decided we are going to be doing a Tony Robbins challenge that runs over the next 4 days.
One of our key takeaways from Day 1 is the “3 Keys to a breakthrough” and we wanted to share what we learnt with you.
This is the most important key of all three.
Your state is how you feel mentally and emotionally right now!
Being in a strong state, helps you to make decisions and take action on things aligned with your best self. As humans, we have the ability to control our state and if we want lasting change in our life, then we need to learn how to take back control over this.
“The state you are in determines your decisions and behaviour” - Tony Robbins
One way of learning how to control your state is by using your body (e.g. movement, voice, posture, etc).
A clear example of one of these that would be well known to most of you is “Power Posing”. This is when you stand in a strong standing position with your legs spread apart and your hands on your hips (like superwoman) for 2 minutes.
“Change your story, change your life”
The personal story of our life can be looked at through both a positive and a negative lens.
We can make a conscious choice to look beyond the challenges we have faced through a framework that allows us to learn and grow.
Most of the time, our story ends up becoming an accumulation of past beliefs about ourselves. This can be limiting, if we choose to focus on our shortcomings.
If we want lasting change, we must change how we view ourselves & therefore change the story that we tell ourselves.
The strategy is the last key to getting a breakthrough. It is the “how” and “what” actions am I going to take in order to achieve change? People usually start with the strategy, however end up failing. This is because if you aren't in the right state and haven't got a motivating story, the actions to achieve change won't matter.
To create lasting change in our life we need to have a plan, commit and then take action on it.
Combining these three keys will support the changes you hope to create in your life. We believe in you and are excited to see how you grow and evolve within the next few years!
If you want to participate in the Tony Robbins challenge with us here is the link:
It will run over the next 4 days and is completely free to attend (this is not an Ad, we just want to share it with you)
@Bec McColl reccomend you check this out! Tony Robbins is a game changer when it comes to business tools and development 🙏🏼